Σάββατο 28 Αυγούστου 2010

My comment on the Ubuntu on tablets article.

Hello, first of all i have to introduce my usage at computers to you, i use computers since 1993 and i've been using linux for my job since 2003 and i have moved to linux for my home computers and daily usage since 2007. Although i have 2 PCs at home and i am running Ubuntu on both of them, i will have to say that Ubuntu is not the only linux os that can be seen on tablet afterall there are so many distros out there BUT just because Ubuntu is so popular nowdays, it is the first Desktop Linux distro that was tried to be modified for usage at a smartphone http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qE_rDay9RJ8 and as i already know they are very very close to finalise an Official edition for smartphones of Ubuntu, i think called the Rhobuntu, so why not see it develop on tablets ? Smartphones are arround for a long time enough thanks to Nokia and yet years later we saw iPhone and more years later we saw the Android. Tablets are arround for enough time too but they are back on the scene of the market a short time and that is because Apple launched the iPad, if that wouldn't happen tablets were way forgotten. I think it is really early to see Ubuntu on a tablet even if they already have the multitouch stuff already so we should all give it some time to see how things will develop and i am sure that we will see a complete Ubuntu edition for smartphones and after that a complete Ubuntu edition for tablets and then again i am sure that other famous linux distros will show up an edition for tablets as well. Linux is the most stable, the most reliable and for sure the most safe OS for desktops today and i will agree that Windows 7 is the best Microsoft OS and not the best OS as a fellow commenter said, still as Microsoft's attempt on "Kin" died even before it got started i don't think Windows 7 to do any better on tablets. Ok they have the market on desktops and that is on "play" desktops for home usage not for serious work or research but that's it and just that only will be. Now Android is a linux attempt but it's interface limits linux powers to a minimum and THAT is where Ubuntu will do the difference. Android interface is limited on using only java apps BUT Ubuntu is not limited on anything so basicly i think that Ubuntu will be the first serious linux attempt on smartphones and that is why it will make it as well on the tablets. Linux community can't stand face to face with Apple on tablets with Android because of it's limitations but Ubuntu CAN! That is why Ubuntu will be able to stand on the tablet market, not conquer it over Apple BUT seriously stand on the market and Windows 7 or Android can NOT. Long Live Ubuntu

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